Minutes of the Meeting of Othery Parish Council
Monday 9th May 2022 by 7:30 pm in Othery Village Hall
1 Apologies: Samantha Newport:
2 Declarations of Interest: These will always be declared at the agenda item when appropriate.
3 Certifying the minutes of the meeting held on 11th April 2022: Agreed as a true record of the meeting.
4 Public question time and Neighbourhood Watch/Crime report. Nothing received this month
5 Matters Arising:
- Cemetery expansion: Nothing can be done now until October, but we hope that the price can be protected. Andrew will make enquiries.
- Highways Issues: The junction repair signs are now in place. The footpath behind Church Farmhouse needs cutting and it is the owners responsibility. The clerk will send a letter. The road is breaking up just past the village hall Vicky will pass on the information online. There is a fake speed camera in the village which could also be a bird box but it could have the right effect on motorists
- Community Speed Watch: The clerk will email Ben the PCSO responsible for an update.
- Village Hall Grant: The Parish Council have paid a deposit for the railings required around the village hall, so it is being spent slowly but to good effect.
- Jubilee celebrations: 50 jubilee medals have arrived with no invoice or request for payment but another 70 are now to be ordered. The Beacon has been paid for and safety barriers are being provided by Stuart. A mock up itinerary will be provided for the Jubilee committee to approve. Tickets are required and through the clerk or by phone.
- Playing Field CCTV: The idea needs to be given some thought so to the next meeting.
6 Highway matters:
7 Playing Field:
8 Cemetery: Request for a sign by a tree: The Parish Councill requested more information.
9 Planning notice: Application Number 38/22/00001/CM; Proposal The erection of a detached garage with associated hard standing: Location Millbatch Bungalow Holloway Road Othery TA7 0QE. The Parish Council feel that this application will have no impact on the street scene or neighbours and therefore as no objections to the proposal.
10 Financial Matters: Approve the accounts: The accounts were approved by the meeting.
Expenditure: Salary £ 255.46
Income: We have had our first CIL payment so careful thought needs to be given as to how it is spent.
11 Correspondence: None
12 Correspondence for Circulation: Already circulated by email:
13 Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman: The request for improvements to the disabled access up the Crift have been sent to SCC but as yet no response. It was felt that the two unsuccessful candidates should be invited to the next meeting. The idea of a leaflet to all villagers about the Parish Council should be considered as many do not use Facebook or have access to the Internet. This needs to be thought about and considered at the next meeting. Vicky is struggling to keep the Website updated as it is a skill which you need to keep using. The clerk will ask Ed how much he would charge for a year to keep our website fresh and up to date. Sad to hear that Anthony’s grandad has passed away so the Parish Council send their condolences to the family.
14 Date and time of the next meeting: Monday 13th June 2022 7:30 Parish Council Meeting.