Agenda of the Meeting of Othery Parish Council
Monday 13th June 2022 by 7:30 pm in Othery Village Hall
1 Apologies:
2 Declarations of Interest: These will always be declared at the agenda item when appropriate.
3 Certifying the minutes of the meetings held on 9th May 2022:
4 Public question time and Neighbourhood Watch/Crime report and an update from Cllr Matthew Martin or Harry Munt: Updates emailed:
5 Matters Arising: Cemetery expansion:
- Highways Issues:
- Community Speed Watch:
- Managing the Website:
- Playing Field CCTV:
- Unitory Powers to Parish Councils:
- Village Youth Club:
6 Playing Field:
7 Cemetery:
8 Planning notice: Application Number 38/21/00007/DT Proposal: Erection of a self-build detached dwelling with attached garage and alterations to existing access. Location: Land off Bedwell Lane Othery. Application Number: 38/22/00007/EC. Proposal: Erection of 1no self-build dwelling and formation of access. Location: Ingleside Keens Lane Othery
9 Financial Matters:
- Expenditure: Salary £ 255.46
- Jubilee £ 239.49
- Income: Plot 715 £ 225.00
- Burial £ 225.00
10 Correspondence:
11 Correspondence for Circulation: Already circulated by email:
12 Urgent Matters at the discretion of the Chairman:
Date and time of the next meeting: Monday 11th July 2022 7:30 Parish Council Meeting.