In a change from usual Bank Holiday arrangements, please remember that waste collections will take place on Bank Holiday Monday, 1 May.
If your recycling and/or refuse is usually collected on a Monday, that will be the case on Monday 1 May. Collections will be on normal scheduled days for the rest of that week.
This is believed to be the first time Somerset’s crews have collected on a Bank Holiday in a special arrangement to accommodate the extra Bank Holiday for the coronation of King Charles III.
If your collection is usually on a Monday, please make sure that your boxes, bags and bins are ‘standing to attention’ on Monday 1 May.
Working the bank holiday Monday will mean that crews will not have to work Saturday 6 May.
In a return to the usual arrangements, there will be no collections on Bank Holiday Monday 8 May and collections will be one day later for the rest of that week.
That includes collections that would usually take place on Friday 12 May taking place on Saturday 13 May.
These arrangements will avoid crews having to work back-to-back Saturdays and gives them the chance to get involved in celebrations over the special Bank Holiday weekend.
All 16 recycling sites will be open as usual at weekends, 9am to 4pm. And, if opening Mondays is part of their normal opening pattern, they will be open on both Bank Holiday Mondays (1 May and 8 May), from 9am to 6pm. For more information and news about Somerset Council’s Waste Services visit and follow @somersetwaste on Facebook and Twitter.