I’m pleased to introduce our eighth annual report since Somerset Rivers Authority’s launch in January 2015. Our main purpose is to give Somerset an extra level of flood protection and resilience. So far, we have enabled more than 250 projects to go ahead. These have reduced flood risks, improved natural and built environments across Somerset, and helped people get on with their lives more easily and safely.

This new report [attached in a choice of two versions, illustrated or text only] provides details of dozens of Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA) activities county-wide in 2022-23, reflecting the content of Somerset’s 20 Year Flood Action Plan.

We at the SRA give more detail about what we do with our funding than do many public sector organisations. And there is even more information online on the SRA’s website, including some very localised listings of activities to reduce flooding risks on Somerset roads: SRA Annual Report 2022-23 – Somerset Rivers Authority

I trust that you will find this report useful and informative.

Please get in touch with us if you have any comments or questions – and do look out for the public sessions to be held later this year about a revised Flood Action Plan: the experience of the years since the 2014 flooding, including this year’s near-flood event, together with the clear impact of climate change, mean that a review and revision of our plan and activities is needed.


Cllr Mike Stanton

Chair, Somerset Rivers Authority

Somerset Rivers Authority

County Hall



Tel: 01823 355111

E-mail: sra@somerset.gov.uk


Twitter: http://twitter.com/sranews

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SomersetRiversAuthority
